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Representational State Transfer (REST)

Knowledge Base/Glossary: "Representational State Transfer (REST) is an architectural style for building web services. It is based on a set of principles that define how web resources should be created, accessed, and manipulated over the web."

Representational State Transfer (REST) is an architectural style for building web services. It is based on a set of principles that define how web resources should be created, accessed, and manipulated over the web.

REST is used to design web services that are scalable, maintainable, and easy to develop and consume. It defines a set of constraints and best practices that can be applied to web services to ensure that they are consistent, predictable, and easy to use.

One of the key principles of REST is the separation of concerns, which means that different aspects of a web service, such as its data model, its business logic, and its User Interface, should be kept separate from each other. This makes it easier to develop and maintain web services, as different parts of the system can be modified and updated independently of each other.

Another key principle of REST is the use of a uniform interface, which means that all web services should use the same set of methods, such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE, to access and manipulate resources. This makes it easier for different clients to interact with web services, as they all use the same set of rules and conventions.

Overall, REST is an important architectural style for building web services, and it is used to create scalable, maintainable, and easy-to-use web services.



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