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Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)

Knowledge Base/Glossary: "Object-relational mapping (ORM) is a technique that is used in software development to convert data between incompatible systems. This is often necessary when working with a database, as the data stored in a database is typically in a format that..."

Object-relational mapping (ORM) is a technique that is used in software development to convert data between incompatible systems. This is often necessary when working with a database, as the data stored in a database is typically in a format that is not easily understood by most programming languages.

ORM is a way to abstract the data stored in a database into objects that can be easily manipulated and managed by a programming language. This allows developers to work with the data in a more natural and intuitive way, using the same concepts and techniques that they would use when working with other objects in their code.

For example, imagine that you are building an application that needs to store and retrieve data from a database. Without ORM, you would need to write a lot of low-level code to convert the data between the formats used by the database and the programming language. This can be time-consuming and error-prone.

With ORM, you can use a higher-level abstraction to represent the data in the database as objects in your code. This allows you to write more concise and readable code, and it also makes it easier to maintain and evolve your application over time.

In addition to making it easier to work with data from a database, ORM can also provide other benefits, such as improved performance and scalability. Because ORM is designed to abstract the data from the underlying database, it can provide a layer of indirection that allows the application to be more flexible and adaptable. For example, you can use ORM to switch between different database systems without having to rewrite your application code.

Overall, ORM is a valuable technique that can make it easier to develop and maintain complex applications that involve working with data from a database. It allows developers to work with data in a more intuitive and natural way, and it can also provide performance and scalability benefits.



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